It's simply marvelous with the cheap and easy-to-generate tokens like food and treasure, and +1/+1 counters. Gruul Turf, easily findable with one of green’s many land search spells. With both Kodama and Toggo out, put Turf into play and all three will trigger. Stack the triggers so Turf goes off first, then Toggo, and last Kodama. This allows you to use life willy-nilly on things like Aetherflux Reservoir and Necropotence. White and green have lots of things to help with that and black has lots of things to use it on.
Together, these two form a goofy little combo where Sam preps meals for Frodo on their long journey. Brallin and Shabraz are both playable absent their other half, as well. Brallin, Skyshark Rider and Shabraz, the Skyshark hail from Commander 2020’s cycling-themed deck. They both start as 3/3s that get +1/+1 counters whenever you discard a card or draw a card, respectively. I suppose the actual play for Ukkima would be to protect it from targeted removal with Ghostly Flicker-type effects, but I personally hate a strategy that relies on my opponents interacting with my board.
Devotion is a great example both in mechanical workings and flavor as it specifically rewards you for flooding your board with the same color of pip in your mana costs. When you open yourself up to more colors, you also open yourself up to more options. But that's a double-edged sword in Magic's massive card pool, especially for new players. How many blue Shrine cards are there out of the aforementioned 17?
Grab an unloved legendary that, "would have been playable if they added blue" and show the world there's life in these mono veins yet. Mr. Lost Wisdom here wants us to assemble as many Shrines as possible to try and mill out your opponents on your end step. These two are my favorite of the bunch of partner with commanders. It’s another elegant design with a clear play pattern with a very high ceiling on its power level. Once you run these alongside some real token-making machines like Adeline, Resplendent Cathar and Commanding Presence, Silvar becomes a real threat to the continued survival of your opponents.
If Naya isn't your thing, on check the Jund commanders list or try Tana with Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools. Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful might have been an even better flavor win if it added loyalty counters to planeswalkers. As it stands you should erect a statue of Yoshimaru on your side of the field while +1/+1 counter strategies pump it up to be a super strong dog commander.
', was that whilst building in mono makes for a fun restriction it doesn't rewards players enough to voluntarily miss out on more cards. There’s a number of ways you can build around this cleric–beast duo, which makes them one of my favorites on the list. You can lean into a sacrifice theme, running the Scam cards from Modern decks like Fake Your Own Death and Undying Evil to return cards sacrificed for value with Ashnod's Altar (or similar cards). The actual stars of The Lord of The Rings are featured on a pair of partners in the same deck as Frodo and Sam. Merry, Warden of Isengard makes a Soldier token once per turn when you make an artifact, and Pippin, Warden of Isengard can make and break Food tokens to great effect.
What Are Partner Commanders?
They could also be split across two teammates' decks in a format such as Two-Headed Giant. Battlebond has an uncommon cycle of non-legendary enemy-color partner pairs. They start outside the game and are not considered one of the 100 cards in the deck. However, if you choose to play a companion, it must still adhere to the color identity and singleton rules of the format. No, a partner commander deck still has 99 cards (including the commanders).
Can you have two of the same partner commanders?
The first choice for building a Commander deck is generally the commander, this is where your color identity comes from, and you add both partner commanders together to get the color identity. Both commanders must have the keyword “Partner” in order to be chosen as your commanders. This allows for greater flexibility in deck building and opens up more options for color combinations. Yes, a legendary enchantment can be a commander as long as it has the necessary characteristics to be a commander. If a card refers to “Commander creatures,” it includes both legendary creatures and legendary background enchantment commanders. One of the most common responses to my original question of 'Where did all the monocolored decks go?
Yes, as long as both commanders have the “partner” ability (not “partner with X”), you can have them both as your commanders. The color identity of your deck will then be determined by the combined color identity of both your commanders. No, a partner ability can never let a player have more than two commanders. If a legendary card has multiple partner abilities, you can choose which one to use, but you cannot use both abilities simultaneously. While it is possible to have more than one background card in your deck, you can only have one background as a second commander. If you include multiple backgrounds, they have to follow the same deckbuilding rules as all the other cards.
Sacrificing three mtg card permanents is quite a cost though so make sure you look for some powerful cards with the text that says “whenever a creature dies” like Fecundity, Vein Ripper, and Lifeline. Starting with Las Vegas 2024, the Unknown Event started producing cards based off the Magic players of LoadingReadyRun, which can only be "run" with each other. They conform to the Comprehensive Rules, although in many cases they necessitated new rules being written.
Then, with the release of IKO, another leap forward was made with the introduction of companion, allowing for the possibility of having three commanders in a deck. As players en masse decide that mono decks are old-fashioned in a world where you can have a dual land never once come in untapped, I ask you to join me in proving them wrong. Not to mention the rising cost in keeping multiple constructed decks with similar mana costs.
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Your deck, including your commander, must meet its companion requirement. Although the Commander variant does not use a sideboard, a companion is not counted as one of the deck’s 100 cards. The abilities on Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper start us off with gaining chunks of life, then you use black's life draining abilities to turn that into big problems for you opponent's life. Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa lets you get attacks in while token generators fill your board of small tokens that will pelt away at opponents. “Best” is subjective and depends on the game and who you’re playing against.